
How do you hide your comments on your page but leave the link so your friends can still send you comments?

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i want a way to be able to block people from seeing the comments people send me but stull have the link available so people can send me things.I wouldnt mine getting code to make it look better so if anyone knows, i would aprecciated so much.




  1. If you are talking about Y!360, Top Page comments are always public unless you delete them. You can't hide them even if you limit access.

    Blog comments can be made more private if you edit your blog setting with permissions. For example, making your blog available to Friends only. You can even put certain friends in categories so that some see the blog and others do not. See .

    See your My Friends page to put people in categories. See "My Blog" and then "Edit Blog Settings" link to adjust your blog viewing settings.

  2. On your Top Page Comments, click on settings and set them to friends only. That way only your friends can leave comments, but everyone can still read them.  

    For your Blog settings, click on Settings in the upper right hand corner of the page. Then look on the left side of the page for "Blog Settings" click on that and make your blog settings for "Friends Only" or you can choose from the list that is showing.  

    There are several options for you to choose from on both the Top Page and Blog settings. Good luck and have a great day!

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