
How do you hit a fade and a draw?

by  |  earlier

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Can anyone show me a instructional video clip on how to hit a fade and a draw? Or even tell me how?




  1. You hit a fade by having the clubface open at impact, and a draw by having the clubface closed at contact.  There are many ways to achieve those two positions and without seeing your swing I would be hard pressed to tell you the best way for you to do it.  A place to start may be to just open/close the face as you address the ball (turn the club before you grip it) and make your normal swing.

  2. Im not to sure but i think it has something to do with your wrists.Try going to a clinic you could find out there

  3. check it out

    PurePoint Golf Draw DVD

  4. So that you don't get off on the wrong foot, find a pro who can analyze your swing, take a lesson or two and have him make the corrections. The reason is simple. The backswing is different for the fade and the draw. The grip influences the fade and the draw. The position at the top influences the fade or the draw. Your stance definitely influences the fade or the draw as does the follow thru. If you still want the video clip, someone else will have to supply that..

  5. draw=hooking right      fade=hooking left

    you hit a draw with your stance opened and a fade with your stance closed.....go ask a golfer what is stance opening and closing....or google it this is just like how the pros do...

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