
How do you hit a fish when spearfishing?

by  |  earlier

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I am only new and was just wandering if their was an easier way to hit a fish while spearfishing. I do most of my spearfishing in a reefy kind of rocky way any answers would be great.




  1. I spear fish a lot in Islamarada Fla. Keys. I use a Excalibur

    2000 spear gun .It is rather powerful and accurate I use

    normally 7mm shafts and the Australian lock tip.. I usually

    move in as close as can as stealthy as I can .I try to hit them just behind the gills on the fattest part of their body.I only

    target fish that are legal and good to eat . We sometimes go 30 miles offshore to some reefs to fish..

    Sharks were  a problem previously, but this year  I have a new electronic shark repeller  Shark Shield freedom 4 .batteries

    last 4 hrs .I have a spare pac. I think it really works..

    I have had the best success By getting my gun up in a firing

    position before I move in  so I have very little arm movement

    i use slow fin movements as I close in ..control your breathing and hold you breath so no air bubbles and noise  that is not hard if you practice they can hear you besides seeing your air bubbles if you are breathing normally ..this system works

    very well for me and I rarely miss unless I do something stupid

    I practice on non targeted fish that I don`t shoot at  just to see

    how close I can get before I spook them.. Great fun .I have

    gotten pretty good at it. Enjoy it it is a great sport..That shark

    reppeler is going to greatly enhance this sport because  you

    don`t have to concern yourself with them  I have tested it

    relatively extensively and so far it has worked well ..Time

    will tell .. It is illegal but I always carry a boom stick with me

    when I am offshore

  2. um there is no secret to it u just poin and shoot ur first hundred or so shots will be misses as u are still beginning it help to shoot for area right above eyes of fish as this is brain and spinal area but circular fish make great targets

  3. It depends... r u using a polespear or speargun? if ur using a polespear u have to get close to ur target and if your using a speargun you need to aim as close to the head as possible and fie. its an awseome sport and plenty of fun... just dont do anything stupid

  4. It depends a lot on what kind of fish and what kind of spear you're using.  Here in S. TX many of the fish we are allowed to take by spear are very broad (tall) bodied fish (Sheeps-head, Snapper, Black Drum).  I use a single band speargun so it doesn't have a whole lot of power when you're far from the fish.  I use the single band because there are a lot of rocks where I hunt/fish and really don't need the distance. Anything more powerful and I'll be chipping rocks and replacing points every trip.  

    Sorry, I kind-of got carried away talking but to answer your question, I like to hit them right at or behind the gills.  There's a better mortality rate like that, though I've lost a lot of fish like that.  I've had some beautiful shots were the fish was stuck, went down fighting just out of sight, and when I pulled in the line the spear was empty!  I've also had some nice shots that should have stuck but just knocked off scales.  A big sparkly cloud and the fish is long gone!

    If you have the opportunity to angle the spear slightly toward their head, just behind the gills, it seems to get under tough scales a little better.

    Hope this helps and didn't bore you!

  5. Practice makes perfect.

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