
How do you hit a golf ball high in the air towards a target?

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How do you hit a golf ball high in the air towards a target?




  1. a way to get the ball higher in the air is the clubs launch angle and where u put it in your stance. if you put it in the front of your stance the ball goes higher. also lower your back shoulder

  2. How far is the target? Never mind. I will answer the question in a general manner.

    You must know that the clubs in your bag have different lofts: from the almost upright driver to the almost horizontal lob wedge. Many think that the higher the angle of the loft, the higher is the ball flight. Not always true. The height of the ball flight could be higher with a 9-degree driver than that of a 60-degree lob wedge. Try hitting a ball with a driver then with a lob wedge and see which ball hit with which club flies higher. The TRAJECTORY of the driver may be shallower than the lob wedge, but the ball flies higher relative to the ground. The height, therefore, depends on the combination of clubhead speed and clubface loft.

    A more accurate way of phrasing your question would be: How do you hit a golf ball STEEPER in the air towards a target?

    Assuming constant clubhead speed and constant ball lie, and as I said said earlier, the steepness of the ball flight depends on the angle of the club face at the point of impact with the ball.

    Let us answer your question with a demostration. Go get your pitching wedge.

    Now address an imaginary ball placed in the middle of your stance. Notice that the sole of the club rests flatly on the floor. The clubface angle is, therefore, at its actual loft.

    Now move the clubface towards your forward foot (your left foot if you are a righty). Notice that the clubface becomes more or less lying down. Now move the clubface towards your back foot. Notice that the clubface becomes more upright or delofted.

    Notice also that the clubface becomes more upright if you lean the shaft towards the target than when the shaft is more or less vertical.

    The clubface also is more upright if you place your weight more on your left foot and with your left shoulder higher than the right. The clubface will me more lying down if your weight is on your right foot and your left shoulder is lower than the right.

    The steepest ball flight, therefore, is achieved when you use your highest lofted club, with the ball placed forward towards the target, and with your weight on your left foot.

  3. That would depend on how far is the target.  If it is in range of your pitching or sand wedge, the high loft on the club head will give you a high trajectory.  For even shorter distance, you can also de-loft the club by opening the club face (turn the club clockwise to your right for right handed clubs), then open your stance and hit down more on the ball to create a lob shot.  If you are going to hit a lob shot, make sure your swing is towards the target and NOT parallel to your opened stance.

    For longer distance high flight path, and use of lower number irons, you place the ball more in front, somewhere between center and your left foot.  This way when the club face makes contact with the ball, it is somewhat de-lofted.  Make sure you adjust your swing and weight shift more to the left to accommodate the forward ball position or you'll end up topping the ball.

  4. instead of teeing the golfball in the center of your stance tee it up just to the right of your stance

  5. Its all here in a 2minute video.

    Good Luck

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