
How do you hit a golf ball straighter? i have a tendancy to slice and sometimes hook..

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i'm still a 15 handicap but i cant drive it straight. i can hit it 270 still. im great at everything else..irons, chipping, putting. its frustrating though that you start off the hole in trouble. which driver is better ft-5, ft-i, g10 or sq sumo?




  1. I would recommend going to see your local pro for a lesson.  Then you can be sure you are getting the right information.

    The square drivers will go straighter but my pick would the FT-5.

    Good luck!

  2. fix the reverse pivot you most likely have.

  3. 1 - Go out and buy some "impact tape." It is pretty helpful to see if there are a lot of similar mistakes, which you can use in order to help refine your swing (for instance, if you are hitting the ball on the toe or heel frequently).

    2 - Get your clubs fitted. A lot of problems with pushing or pulling the ball are the result of poor fitting clubs. Just as you wouldn't expect to look your best with a suit off the rack, the same goes for your play with "standard" size golf clubs.

    3 - See a golf professional who uses video. Checking out your swing on a V1 system is the easiest way to locate minor flaws that cause you to hit the ball inconsistently.

    Best of luck!

  4. Golf Options: Hit Fairways Your Way is a new and innovative approach to golf instruction. The reason that this book was written was to teach golfers (exactly as the title states) that they have options when they swing the golf club.

    Not everyone has the same swing. Therefore, the same thing will not work for everyone. Golfers will have much more success if they experiment and fine tune their swing.

    For example, many recreational golfers don't realize that they may have much more success if they moved the ball up in their stance a few inches at setup, or they took a weak grip versus a strong grip. They don't know these things because usually, they just pick up the club and swing.

  5. I would say you might not be getting a full body turn on your downswing when you slice so try to turn your hips.

  6. As my father would say, you are not hitting the ball squarely. You are allowing the club to twist either left or right and hitting off center which tends to make the ball go a little sideways. The further off center the more sideways it goes.

  7. A common question.  The driver due to its length has been known to confound a lot of players.  I will say that hitting 270 is totally unimpressive if you can't hit it where you want to.  To correct driver accuracy problems see a Pro for a lesson or 2.  and additional practice....Granted it is usually a timing thing...but there may be other swing flaws here that only a Pro will be able to see and adjust for.

  8. Its not the equipment mate.

    You have a tendency to slice and sometimes hook.  Both those shots have an out to in swing path.  A slice will result when the club face is open through impact and a hook will occur when it is closed.

    I would guess it is your tempo and your hand speed getting too fast in an effort to get a few more yards.

  9. The key to hitting a straight shot is getting the clubface square at impact.

    I'd suggest taking a couple of lessons.  I was slicing at the beginning of the season and took 3 lessons ($90).  My slice is pretty much gone.....pops up every now & then.  A good pro ought to be able to pick up on your swing flaws and let you know what you need to do to correct them.

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