
How do you hit a low stinger with the driver?

by  |  earlier

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Please don't tell me to get a low lofted driver.

I have a 9.5 degree driver and there are guys out there that are able to hit it 280 low with run and also hit 280 with carry.




  1. Wow great to hear that someone wants to hit it low, all I hear these days is how you have to hit it higher and higher all the time.  With a modern driver it is hard to hit it low because they are designed to get the ball up.  I believe Tiger Woods coined the term "stinger" and he hits it off the bottom groove of his 2 iron.  It also refers to how it stings your hands due to the vibration when you hit a thin one really hard.  You need to take backspin off to keep it low.  Moving the ball back in your stance will probably help, but that can cause directional issues because your clubhead probably won't be squared up yet when you make contact, so if you do that you should try to close the face a little too.  The main thing is to hit the ball below the center line on the face.  The sweet spot on most modern drivers is a little above the center line and that is where you will get the most spring effect off the face, but the ball will go high, so you need to hit it off the bottom of the face.  Teeing the ball much lower is a must.  You can't expect to get as much distance, but into a stiff headwind you will hit it further on a low trajectory than a high ballooned up shot.  Also if you close the face a little you might get some draw on the ball which will cause it to run more after landing.  Lastly if you want to hit it lower all the time you should look into a shaft with a high kick point.  I play in the midwest where it is windy almost every round and I built an 8 degree head with a ProLaunch Red shaft that has a high kick point and I hit it lower than most of my fellow-competitors.

  2. Try to tee the ball up significantly lower. Then take a wider swing angle instead of a steep one. a delayed finish will help too.

  3. move ball about 1 inch back in stance.

    choke down about an inch

    keep hands ahead of ball at address

    3/4 follow through

    oh yea tee the ball a little lower than normal.

  4. My natural launch angle is high so this is tough. The only situation in which I try to hit it lower is when I need to hit it straighter. I tee it a little lower first. Then you need some thought thru impact that will keep loft off the face.  I just try to feel my left hand stays ahead of the club a little longer than usual.

    PS. "flatsticks" answer below is the single dumbest thing I've ever read.

  5. Most of what I have to say has already been said here but make sure to finish low on the follow-through.  Tee it lower and shorten your swing slightly both on the backswing and follow-through.  This tends to give me a slight draw which cuts the wind better and rolls out a little better.  Practice this on the range before attempting it on the course.


  6. This is what works for me. Tee the ball down lower than typical. Place the ball further back in your stance. Use the same swing and you will have a low liner that runs once it hits the ground. Again, this is what I did, but it might be worth a try if you get a chance.

  7. If you want to hit a low stinger with the driver, I don't know what to tell ya.

    maybe try hitting it with a delofting angle.

    I wouldn't recommend it because it would ruin your iron swing and flight.

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