
How do you hit (bump) a volleyball the right way?

by  |  earlier

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i don't know if i ayum doing it right.

but okay.

meehhhh plz answer.




  1. 1) Clasp your hands together with your domiant hand's (meaning the one you right with) thump in the palm of your other hand.

    2) close the gap between the flater part of your arms, right below your elbows.\

    3) Hit the volleyball with the flat part of your arm, close to your hand.


    1) Make fists with bolth of your hands, with your thumbs on the outside. Put your hands together, so all of your fingers match up, and are even.

    2) same as above

    3) same as above

  2. first you clasp your hands together. make sure your thumbs are lined up with one another NOT on top of each other. you could break your thumbs if the ball happens to land on that. when you clasp your hands together, straighten your arms and keep them straight when bumping the ball or the ball could go backwards or even in your face. the ideal spot you want the ball to land is your forearm area because when your arms are straight, the forearms make a somewhat flat surface. this is called the plank. make sure you get UNDER the ball. after contacting the ball, DONT SWING YOUR ARMS! that's super important because swinging causes you to not have control on the ball. instead use your legs and lift up with your arms. that's why people say squatting is important in volleyball. where you're pointing your shoulders is important because that's how you aim. so if your pointing it towards the outside of the court, that's where it's going to go.

    have fun! :]]

  3. 1. stand with your feet in line with your shoulders,

    2. put one hand in the other, or make a fist and hold it

    3. make sure your arms are together (make your elbows touch, this doesn't work if you have big b***s)

    4. bend your knees


    6. keep your weight on the balls of your feet at all times

    hope this helps!

  4. make sure you're shoulders are shrugged in #1 and there is two ways to bump and i prefer the one where you make a fist then wrap youre other hand around it. theres another way where you wrap one hand around the others thumb and then just hold onto the other hand but i prefer the 1st way. make sure youre under the ball and it doesn't hit your fist it hits youre forearms just slightly above youre wrist. hope that helps =]

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