
How do you hit shots like?

by  |  earlier

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draw, fade, slice, hook. am i forgetting anything eles? anyway how can i hit those shots????? i can only hit straight




  1. for the fade open your stance and swing outside to inside

    and for the draw you close the your stance just a little and come inside to outside...

    just takes alot of practice on the range to be able to shape your shots

  2. You don't want to slice or hook it. There are many different opinions to this go to this website and type in how to hit a draw.      How to hit a fade. The one below this is how to hit a high draw.

  3. a good drill for hitting a draw is to set your bag about 6 to 8 feet away (behinde) you and swing the club to the outside of the bag. Then on the downswing, drop the club to the inside (between you and the bag), making contact with the ball. The first times you do this, the ball won't go exactly as you want it, but with some practice you will be hitting a 10 yard draw. To hit a fade. do the exact oppsite. Start inside, then drop the club outside. With practice and time, you will be able to work the ball anywhere you want.

  4. If all you can do is hit the ball straight, forget the hook, draw, slice or fade. Just make sure you set up on each tee shooting away from trouble and aiming to the proper side of the fairway to set up the next shot. Straight is good. Variations of straight come later when you understand your golf swing completely.

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