
How do you humanely move a hog? (Say if it got out) Does anyone know more about a hog panel?

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I'm writing a story for class- I'm not actually going to try and move a hog!




  1. I have worked with hog panels, and they are humane.  The alternative is kicking or shocking the hogs.  Anything in a solid shape makes the hog think it is facing an wall.  It helps the farmer to keep from being trampled, and turns the hog in a different direction.  

    These are primarily effective in walkways were you have gates and or walls to assist.  If a hog gets out of an enclosure, due to very poor planning in enclosure architecture, then it would take two or more panels to get it back in.  One to turn it one direction and then another.  It is usually easier to catch it by the foot and drag it to a mechanized transport at that time.

  2. Use a pulley

  3. I have little experience with a hog panel but I do know they don't hurt the animal, it just guides it one way......sort of tricks the animal to thinking it's near an immovable object and it doesn't go that way.

      when they are used a cane is also used to hold the bottom of the board because that part becomes weak and the pig could escape.

    Hope I helped,


  4. Hogs are smart animals, and stubborn.  If you are chasing a hog and he decides he doesn't want to go that way, he will do everything to go past you.  A friend of mine had knee surgery after a hog pushed his way past her.  A hog panel is usually a solid piece of plastic, with handles on the top.  If a hog can't get his nose through it to move it, he can't go through it.  Ever played air hockey?  Well, that's kind of like using a hog panel.  It also protects yourself.  Kicking them hurts your foot more than it does the hog, and using a shocker only works well if you have a bunch you are trying to load and the first few won't move.

    I'd love to read your story, I bet it's pretty good!

  5. hogs are probably smarter than the will follow a food dish, and quite often respond to a call

  6. I can see that many of the others have some experience in the difficulty involved in making a hog do what it is determined not to do.

    My grandmother used to use a shovel with oat meal and molasses on it, just walking by was often enough to get the hog to follow her.

    My grandfather had less patience and a lot more strength. He had a belt about 25 cm wide that would be moved over the hog on a long thin stick. another thin stick would catch the loop on the bottom of the belt and bring a rope through, and into the lop at the top.

    The rope would pull the belt together  at the top so that the handler could pass one end of the rope to another strong man on the other side.

    The two strong men could then walk where they wanted with the hog substantially lifted off his front hooves.  The hog would resist with the rear hooves, but two men lifting and carrying could easily overpower it.

    A large sow or boar can present a formidable risk of biting if given half a chance. One should not present them any such opportunity. And remember that they can move very fast, they can knock you off your feet and rip you to shreds.

    So, having a tazer at the ready may be your last line of defense if humane methods fail.

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