
How do you ignore or deal with your neighbors?

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My mom had a deck built but our neighbor is loud and rude she has a dog and it howls whenever she leaves the house. (We live in row homes.)

The problem is whenever my parents go out on their deck to enjoy the silence there she comes right on out with her music and her dog. I don't begrudge her any time on her deck.

But on days my parents do not come out, she's nowhere to be found. She only comes out on days they're out there.

We would invite her over, but she's very rude and very mean.

What would you do in this situation? besides moving (moving is not an option right now)




  1. Shoot the *****!

  2. Take out a public nuisance order against her after first recording times and dates and noise levels. Present her with your evidence then ask her politely to stop and desist. follow this up with a ssimilarrequest in writing informally then more formally then get legal and get the order served.


    Sneak up one dark night with a can of kero and a match but be careful that you don't burn down your own house

  3. bad boys bad boys what you gonna dooooo what you gonna do when they come for yooooou

  4. Ok.... so i have a very logical explanation for you. If you walk up to her house and say; my parents are very stressed out after a long day, and they would very much like it if you respected our right to hear absolutely nothing on a day like today. Just ask her to be considerate.

  5. hahahaa,  ai yah! violence is not the answer.

    You can always try just talking to the neighbor. Maybe you can go over with a peace offering (cookies?) and just say, "Oh, by the way, it's not a big deal, but we've noticed that sometimes you can play your music just a tad too loudly when we are trying to relax out on the deck. If you could please just keep us in mind when you are outside, that would be great!"

    If she doesn't respect your needs after THAT, well, then, I say the claws come out ((evil grin))

  6. In your case, your parents should try to discuss calmly with the neighbor, pointing out what is the problem; if she doesn't understand file a complaint to the police. She may get fined. Gather evidence to support your allegations.

    If that doesn't work either, scare her really good shooting the dog in the head ;).

  7. earplugs lol

  8. Shoot them.

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