
How do you immigrate to brazil legally?

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move to brasil with out braking any laws




  1. and you are from...? I can go there anytime i want...legally

  2. yea... just type in "Brazilian embassy in Washington DC" in the yahoo search engine.. and the link should come up

  3. All you need to know is in this page of the Brazilian Embassy in Washington DC:

  4. Requirements for Permanent Visa


    Family reunion;

    Transfer of residence following retirement;

    Personal investment in Brazil;

    Intra-company transferees to work as managers, directors, or executives;

    Job offer at a Brazilian research, scientific, or academic organization based on field of expertise;

    Manager or director of a religious or social assistance organization.

    Procedures for Family Reunion

    Submission to the Consular Service of letter informing the reason for moving to Brazil, together with the the following documentation (all supporting documentation that is not originated in Brazil must be authenticated by the Consular Service. Copies of Brazilian supporting documents must be notarized by a "Cartório" in Brazil. Original Brazilian documents are not required notarization):

    from the applicant:

    Two visa application forms per applicant, properly filled out (front and back) and duly signed (parents must sign for those under 18 years old);

    two recent 2" x 2" passport-type photo, in color or black and white, front view, full face, light background (snapshots are not accepted);

    authenticated copy of the passport pages of identification;

    as applicable, marriage certificate or birth certificate;

    recent (i.e. less than 90 days old) non-criminal record issued by FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation;

    proof of residence for at least one year in the consular jurisdiction;

    from the sponsor:

    copy of identification card, CIC (or a signed and legalized statement, informing the reason for not filing Income Tax in Brazil) and voter title (for Brazilians onlyl);

    formal affidavit ("compromisso de manutenção ") drawn or authenticated at a "Cartório" or at a Consular Office on the applicant's behalf;

    from the applicant or sponsor:

    document attesting to a confirmed job offer in Brazil, or proof of financial capability, or formal affidavit guaranteeing that applicant will be financially supported by an immediate family member, resident in Brasil.

    Procedures for transfer of pension funds

    Submission to the Consular Service of the following documentation (all supporting documentation that is not originated in Brazil must be authenticated by the Consular Service. Copies of Brazilian supporting documents must be notarized by a "Cartório" in Brazil. Original Brazilian documents are not required notarization):

    two visa application forms per applicant, properly filled out (front and back) and duly signed (parents must sign for those under 18 years old);

    two recent 2"X 2" passport-type photos, in color or black and white, front view, full face, light background (snapshots are not accepted)

    authenticated copy of the passport pages of identification;

    as applicable, marriage certificate and/or birth certificate(s);

    recent (i.e. less than 90 days old) non-criminal record issued by FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation;

    proof of residence in the consular jurisdiction;

    certificate issued by official institution attesting to applicant's retirement;

    documented proof issued by pension provider of monthly pension income of at least US$2,000.00. In case of a third dependent and over, an additional US$1,000.00 per dependent must be accounted for;

    statement issued by an official organization certifying that pension funds can be transferred to Brazil on a monthly basis.

    Upon receiving information by the Consular Service that the application was approved (approval procedure may take over two months), submission to the Consular Service of the following documents:

    a passport (valid for at least 6 months prior to its expiration date, and with at least two blank pages available for the visa stamp);

    a visa fee payment of US$200.00 per applicant. An additional non-refundable processing fee of US$ 100.00 per visa will be charged to US citizens in reciprocity for the identical fee paid by Brazilian citizens who apply for a visa to the United States of America;

    a non-refundable handling fee of US$10.00 per visa applies to visa applications submitted by mail or by any individual other than the applicant or an immediate member of his or her family;

    Methods of Payment Accepted by the Consular Section of the Brazilian Embassy in Washington;

    as applicable, yellow fever vaccination certificate is required only if the applicant has traveled within the last 90 days to any of the following countries: Angola, Benin, Bissau Guinea, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cabo Verde, Camerun, Central African Republic, Colombia, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ecuador, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, French Guiana, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guiana, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Kenia, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Panama, Peru, Rwanda, Sao Tome & Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Surinam, Tanzania, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Uganda or Venezuela. Yellow fever vaccination is advisable if applicant's destination in Brazil includes any of the following States: Acre, Amapá, Amazonas, Federal District, Goiás, Maranhão, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Pará, Rondônia, Roraima and/or Tocantins;

    Applications may be submitted by mail only by residents of the District of Columbia, Kentucky, Ohio, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia. Please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope with appropriate postage for return of passport. US POSTAL SERVICE First Class, Certified, Priority or Express Mail is advisable. Documents will neither be received nor returned via FEDEX.


    The requirements listed above should not, in any way, be considered all-inclusive. The Brazilian Consular Office processing the visa reserves the right to apply additional requirements when they are deemed necessary.

    First arrival in Brazil must take place within 90 days from the date the visa was issued.

    Jurisdiction: District of Columbia, Kentucky, Ohio, Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia

    Open to public: 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

    Monday through Friday, except holidays

    Consular Service

    3009 Whitehaven Street, N.W.

    Washington, D.C. 20008

    Phone: (202) 238-2828

    Fax: (202) 238-2818


  5. I would check and see if there is an Embassy of Brazil in the USA or your country. You will probably have to have at least a passport, and if you want to live and work in Brazil you will need a visa issued by their embassy. That is how it works with most countries. For most countries you must have a passport, a living visa, a work visa, and a stamp in your passport showing you have been approved to land in Brazil by an immagrations officer. Hope this helps. Check out the Embassy of Brazil in your country.

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