
How do you improve eyesight?

by Guest33652  |  earlier

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I have insanely bad eyes (close to -7)

and i was wondering if there was any way i could improve my eyesight so that I'm not blind by 19 ^^;




  1. Read without your glasses on, blink frequently (every 3-5 seconds), when your eyes burn or are dry, splash cold water on them.

    Close your eyes, put your palms over them, and look at the different clock positions (12, 1, 2, 3, etc) It sounds weird but you can feel it using your eye muscles and I managed to improve my eyesight when I went to the eye doctor.

    p.s. computers are bad for your eyes. As well as tvs

  2. glasses

  3. Mine's the same. It'll stabilize at some point, don't worry. You could get a laser operation done as well to completely fix your eyes. There's no way your eyesight can be improved, but try eating carrots and other vit A rich foods.  

  4. Healthy foods and vitamins are good for your eye health, but they can't improve your nearsightedness.  Your eyesight is determined by the size and shape of your eyes, and no food, vitamin, or exercise will change these.  Your eyes should stabilize in your twenties and then laser surgery may be an option.  Good luck!

  5. Check out my site, there are a few articles that would help you learn more about the subject.

    Hope this helps...

  6. Artificial corrections(glasses, contacts, surgery) are poor alternatives to Natural Perfect Eyesight.

    Staring is one of the incorrect vision habits that squeezes our eyes out of shape and give us blurry vision.

    We can return to Natural Perfect Eyesight by upgrading our vision software for these complex times. We need to unlearn the incorrect vision habits, reintegrate the correct vision behaviors, and undo the damage of artificial corrections and blur.

    Nutrition is important but it wont change the way we use our eyes mind and body together.

    We can use the computer all we want and read fine print in dim light all we want, as long as we are using our vision system correctly, our eyes will be perfectly relaxed and it will only strengthen our eyes during these challenging ativities.

    Avoid anything that talks about eye exercises(eye pushups, eye aerobics, eye yoga) they do not deal with the real issues of blurry vision and are often counter to natural eyesight. Also avoid programs that don't have teachers teaching students face to face. People don't have a clue about guiding others to Natural Perfect Eyesight without being accountable to real people.

    A good place to start is to read one of the best books. I have an Amazon Referal link to it my website. Most people also need a good teacher. I also have links to Natural Eyesight Improvement teachers around the world. I would be glad to interview a teacher near you to verify their effectiveness.

  7. Recently I visited a site which had a lots of tips and health related articles. I forgot the exact article number where i read about the improvement of eyes and remedy. But i think u can find it using the search option in the site.

    Health Capsule - A place where you can feel and learn about your celestial body & soul



    Ashok Gunasekaran


  8. vitamins high in beta keratin and eating healthy.. carrotts are also very good for your eyes...

  9. eat lots of fruits, look at more greens like trees, use less computer  

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