I have problems with memory,focusing,understanding,socializin... and I've tried mind puzzles and stuff to try to improve but I don't ever score an adequate score.
I become very mesmerized at objects many times without control. I will stare at something for 30 minutes without thinking about anything else or blinking. I do this to people sometimes too and that gets them very mad.
I don't understand directions well eespeciallywhen they aren't very descriptive or literal. People will tell me things but I will iinterpretit another way.
I have very short term memory. I will forget what I am about to say even when I am talking. I am not very good at imagery because the thought leaves my head before I can put my mind on it.
all these issues interfere with school a lot. I don't make friends or talk to anyone. I don't understand the teacher's directions,so I am always behind the class.
I told my parents but they insist there is nothing wrong with me, and always try to use their methods to solving my issues. But I don't understand their methods and they get very frustratedted with me. What do I do? I must improve my memory. school starts tomarow!