
How do you improve focusing problems?

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I have problems with memory,focusing,understanding,socializin... and I've tried mind puzzles and stuff to try to improve but I don't ever score an adequate score.

I become very mesmerized at objects many times without control. I will stare at something for 30 minutes without thinking about anything else or blinking. I do this to people sometimes too and that gets them very mad.

I don't understand directions well eespeciallywhen they aren't very descriptive or literal. People will tell me things but I will iinterpretit another way.

I have very short term memory. I will forget what I am about to say even when I am talking. I am not very good at imagery because the thought leaves my head before I can put my mind on it.

all these issues interfere with school a lot. I don't make friends or talk to anyone. I don't understand the teacher's directions,so I am always behind the class.

I told my parents but they insist there is nothing wrong with me, and always try to use their methods to solving my issues. But I don't understand their methods and they get very frustratedted with me. What do I do? I must improve my memory. school starts tomarow!




  1. omg u are just like me!!! i totally space out during class, usually staring at something like the flagpole, and i  cant remember anything either!!! i ALWAYS forget homework, and i never understand what to do. well, anyways, i guess all we can do is ask AGAIN for the directions and maybe an example, and for the staring thing~ er, well, try not doing it, although its outta your control. sorry :(

    its all the advice i can give you, i have the same prob too, so ur not alone :D

  2. Learning to concentrate or focus on a given task takes practice. Many people, adults included, become so distracted by events in their life that their attention wanders, or they stare at nothing, which can cause people around them to feel uncomfortable.

    Be conscious of the task at hand; set yourself a timetable to accomplish the task. Think of areas in your life where your mind doesn't wander, such as in a movie theatre. You're capable of focusing, just keep at it. If staring into space makes someone uncomfortable, say something like, "Sorry! I was staring into space."

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