
How do you improve you vertical?

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I play volleyball.

and i would just LOVE to be able to get over the net and block.

any tips?




  1. do plyometric training. It's great for developing explosive power which you need for higher vertical

  2. you could do are squats, wall sits, leg press, calf raises, jump rope, anything that involves jumping. try leg lifts too, they work on your hamstrings and abs. also wear ankle weights and jump repeatedly, do squat jumps and lunges too.

    try this also

  3. I'm having the same problem here so I'll try to give you some useful advice. One obvious thing to do is a class that your local gym may offer called "jump stretch". It is the easiest way to increase your vertical jump. Another technique i have been told is to find a specific spot high on a wall or other tall area and try to reach it. One day you could try about 15 times to reach it. Try doing this each day and its possible that you can reach that spot, or a higher spot.

  4. basically any jumping.....if you get a weighted vest,its a lot need to build leg muscles to jump,anything like squats,lunges,jumps,they help!

  5. Yeah, I had a similar problem with basketball...

    I wanted to be able to dunk,  the advice I got to "improve my hops" was this :

    Get some ankle weights and wear them everyday all day until you go to bed, play volleyball in them too. What this will do is strengthen your cavs, and legs. Now, you are going to get sore at first but that's a good thing - that's how you know your muscles are rebuilding and getting stronger. You can take them off for a day if you want - but some people keep them on through the soreness.

    In a few weeks, you'll notice the difference when you take them off...

  6. Whenever you sit down, or are standing still, take time to do sets of 50-100 lifts onto your toes. Burns like heyl. But its great.

    Flat-foot squats combined with full jumps. Touch the Ground at your Sides!!! Do this forward AND backward!!!


    Squats--- ALWAYS GooD.

    Practice Basketball & Track techniques.

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  7. make sure you really swing your arms back and throw them up right before you are about to jump. It really helps propel you. Also, remember your foot work! If you are right handed then it is left, right, left

  8. you have to have really strong legs so you can do things like running up and down stairs repeatedly ir use a leg strengthening machine at the gym. (i love using the leg press and i can realy feel it working)

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