
How do you improve your snowboarding experience?

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My son has to come up with a way to improve something already existing for a school project. For instance, snowboard bindings and how they work. We have come up with a few ideas and thought about magnets and there would be one embedded in the snowboard and one embedded in the boots w/ the idea of some kind of switch that turns them on and off. Unfortunately the idea is too complex. (he is 9 years old). I would love to hear from other snowboarders on how they would like there experiences improved and if they have any ideas. It could be as simple as coming with a carrying device for the gear, or a more comfortable helmet. Thanks! Melissa




  1. listen to your kid..........................the point of the excersice is for him to see things through his mind. although it is fun to see the parent complete the billy is talented!

  2. well ice skates move so gast because they temporaraly melt the ice, i know theres types of snow that is very slow, so it there was a switch so your board heated up you could move faster maybe switch it on whil ur racing a friend for a “nitro” like boost, or mabey it could heat the metal edges on the board for faster carving... hope your son does good on his project

  3. Ahh  HA ! I think i may be able to help. I have been snowboarding for a while now.  The thing that they need to progress on is how fast you can get in and out of your snowboard bindings.  Every time you come down the mountain you have to unbuckle the things and then buckle them back up when you get to the top.  I think maybe you could branch off from K2s new idea with there AUTO bindings Check out the video its on YOU TUBE  just type in k2 auto bindings. That is some crazy stuff there and maybe you guys can try and figure out another way to make a system even quicker than that!   HOPE THIS HELPS

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