
How do you increase your energy levels?

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Ok so I am the sort of person who, unfortunately has a brain that goes 100 miles an hour most of the time. As a result I often find I tire easily. I like to keep in shape so I would rather not eat a lot to compensate although it does seem to help! Can anyone suggest any alternatives...Do meditation, yoga or other similar practices help?




  1. Make sure to get enough sleep each night. Try a 20 minute power nap during the day.  I have a friend who works in an office and takes a 15 at his desk to sleep.

    Eat the right foods. A good balance of fruits/vegetables/good fats/and carbs. Junk food is like a sedative!

    Yoga is great because the breathing involved oxygenates the blood which is a natural way to energize.

    Try Kundalini Yoga which focuses on moving the energy from the base chakra up to the rest of the body.

  2. My mom has the detocse thing ave so much energy but you cant go of in eat junk food right awway i wish i could give you the booklet but it s a lemonade thats made out of lime maple sryup( pure or organic) and a pinch of cyon pepper

  3. Exercise and relaxation are great.

    I often see people's energy levels stabilitize after upper cervical Chiropractic.

    It will mellow you out first, then you won't get so tired.

  4. The green superfood spirulina is supposed to help.

    A women's energy multivitamin every day might perhaps help.  They contain extra B vitamins for energy.

  5. This does not really count as eatting something , no real calories here but I am thinking sublingual B-12 or liquid B complex would help. Really important if you watch what you eat and you are leaving out or low on the carbs.

    Too much and I hear it works the opposite in you body. Down side is it does eventually run it's course but provides a natural boost for those times when needed. Meditation-I guess, depends what you meditate on, if it takes you above and away from your stress or gives you new clarity about how to handle the problem-thats good too and your energy should increase just from the relief of not being weighted down mentally. Yoga I have heard it is great for type A's because it makes them slow down and breath-we often forget to breath deeply and don't renew the air within our lungs completely which is draining too. Laughing seems to increase my energy, good friends and good inspiration can help with much. Most of all a sleep schedule if you can keep one. It takes the body 90 minutes to go through the cycles of sleep just to get to the deep restorative sleep, then you only remain in that state for a short while and your body cycles through again- look it up it helped explain my lack of energy. Best Wishes-

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