
How do you increase your punching power?

by Guest64732  |  earlier

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Do you think the best way is to just beat the c**p out of the heavy bag really hard? I am not talking about form and tech right now , I am just talking about jaw rattling punching power , what is your way of increasing punching power? thanks




  1. consentration...if you truely visualize the back of their head and punch that, their face will only be in the way...really...if you truely master the are of preception your power will increase in the punch, or anything else...punch and or kick at something behind the object

  2. thats what I am also trying to figure out mate

  3. If you go scientific then automatically your punches will become harder and faster , trust me it works and also try to give fakes and put on creep bandage and practice punching something.

  4. Hold weights.. a beat the c**p out of a heavy bag. :) Increase weights as you go on.

  5. Gain weight!

  6. Get MAD, but don't get angry ! ! !

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