
How do you increase your speed??

by  |  earlier

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I need to increase my speed if i want to make the soccer team at my school.




  1. lol well decrease your distance travelled per unit time


  2. try jogging but make every step a bit longer than usual.

  3. Everyone is made different sometimes not always you may not be built for speed i ran into this with my son years ago in baseball so heres what i did i tough him how to use his skill not speed to out run other players check with your coach in soccer and ask him without speed how you can out play the other players a good coach will tell you how for example have you ever heard of emmit smith the football star he was smaller than the other players however he was a key player this was tough to him either by a couch or he learned this himself you can do it with what you have just work on it im pulling for you  

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