
How do you inject methamphetamines (meth) with a bandana??

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I'm doing a project for my Health class and I was looking up facts and I came across one website where it said you can inject meth with a bandana. How do you do that? What kind of bandana? Where do you get them?




  1. You just soak the bandana in a strong concentration of meth disolved in water, then slice open your arm and cut the vein in half.  Then, stretch the opening of the vein large enough so that you can jam half of the whole bandana in your vein.  Then, squeeze the bandana and force the liquid out and into your vein.  How else did you think that you could inject with a bandana?

  2. tie it around your neck till you can't breath and inject the meth in your r****m it stings but you'll be to light headed tp tell.

  3. I don't know what kinda of Health class that is that wants you to research drug use. Tie the bandanna around your arm and use a needle? Don't know how many different kinds of bandannas there are in the world since it is just a square of cloth.  Try your local Walmart.  

  4. Well I'm not sure how its done.. Best of luck I guesss finding the answers  u want?

  5. Um no. Maybe tie the bandana around your arm to cut off the circulation then when the veins become visible inject it? But you can smoke it, inject with syrringe or through an i.v.  

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