
How do you install an amplifier in your car?

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How do you install an amplifier in your car?




  1. bill a, is right! only thing he did not mention is run the power wire and the remote wire down one side of the car and the rcas down the other side, if you dont do it this way you will hear engine noise through your speakers which no one likes. also for ground jusrt find an existing bolt in the trunk area to hook your ground on to, this way you dont go drilling new holes into your cars body and a factory bolt is very secure. using those self tapping screws for ground dont last very long as the small hole you make rusts over very quickly and your once good ground becomes poor!

  2. first buy a amp wiring kit. the power wire from battery into the trunk,with the fuse no more then 18'' from the battery terminal the remote and rca's from the back of your deck to the trunk.

    4. lift up some carpet and find somthing to bolt your ground to but besure its bare metal,not painted so a wire brush will come in handy.if you cant find anything the get selftapping screws and drill them in to the metal.

    hook up subs or speakers,make sure all connections are good and tight!

  3. same as above but i always run my eartch to the battery as well. i find the the amp cane sometimes switch to protect due to slow or bad earth.

    if the only way you have access to run rca and power leads down one side you can buy a ground loop isolatore that connects to the rca befor entering the sub to remove the engine sound.

    if you go to a audio shop it is often cheaper to buy the lengths of cables reqired seperatly at a lower cost (and better quality then a premade kit)

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