
How do you interact with other classmates?

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I usually very shy around people and keep to myself. But I started taking a grad course in special education, and I have to interact with other teachers. I am not a teacher yet, so I feel as if I don't fit in. What do I do to not feel from outer space?




  1. 1) Smile.  If you don't portray yourself as friendly and approachable, you may be repelling people w/out even knowing it!  Laugh when things aren't funny, say hello when people sit next to you in a chair or walk by you even if they don't say hello back, etc.  Be friendly.

    2) It's easy to start of convos w/ a compliment.  "Those are adorable shoes, where did you get them?"  That's a sure fire way to get someone's attention, get a convo rolling and make a new friend (assuming that person will be friendly and talk about where they bought their shoes).  Even if you hate their shoes, say it anyway!  haha, or pick something, anything that you like and compliment.

    3) Use your body language attentively.  Don't stand w/ your arms crossed, hunch in a chair in the corner, stand in the back when everyone is mingling in the front, etc.  Make yourself appear comfortable, even though it's impossible to feel like you could be in that situation.  

    I used to be very shy.  I learned a few tricks like the ones I mentioned above and slowly but surely as I put them to the test, it worked.  I began naturally attracting people to me simply b/c I was smiling, sitting in the middle of the class rather than the back and making small talk w/ the people around me.  Just take baby steps and see how it goes.  You can do it!

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