
How do you interpret this dream?

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What does this dream mean: a cat clawing a snake's tail?

The complete dream is:

On the bed a young cat is clawing a snake at it's tail, the snake couldn't move from it, I took the cat in fear that it'll be eaten by the snake, then the snake crawled out (not sure if it's going after the cat), my sister hit the snake's head (don't know with what) and then i chopped off the snake's head.




  1. ok, this dream can have many meanings

    At the most basic level, it means that you are maybe worried about something in your life. The cat represents you, at peace, but the snake is a danger or fear or worry that you may have.

    You taking the cat is a sign that you are a protector and maybe there is somebody you love or who is very close to you who needs or is in need of caring or protection.

    Cutting off the snake's head is a sign of decisive action and strong decision making processes. Maybe you have or have made some very important decisions recently.

  2. it means your ging to be attacked by a snake lol no im joking as you know my mum has a dream book it tells you meanings for things

    cat- if the dreamer is fond of cats, a cat sybolises the feminine, intuitive side of their nature (your nature) if the dreamer dislikes cats, it represents female cattiness and spite. a black cat is a always good, positive sign for the future.

    sister-the woman in a dream represents feminine support generally

    snakes-these reptiles represent human energies in the various forms, from sexual demands to ruthless, ambitious drive. they also sybolis the healing arts.

    so a lot about femininism. hope i helped!

  3. someone playing with the idea of deciet????

  4. i was told dreams often are our minds way of preparing us for things, so if they happen, we've already prcaticed what to do. are you afraid of snakes?

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