
How do you interpret this saying "exemplary persons make ...................?

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how do you interpret this saying "exemplary persons make demands on themselves, while petty persons make demands on others"

make it long please.....thanks




  1. The "Exemplary Person" is one whom is the pinnacle off which others should sculpt their lives.   They exude a certain characteristic that isn't prevalent within the general populace.  This idealistic thought is that most often associated with stereotyping as to how people should be.  Making this statement about ones self would be arrogant, if others make the statement it would only be with regards to that which they hold dear and not the opinion of all.  For instance if the Pope stated that Bishop Jim is and exemplary person, the Muslims would have a tendency to disagree and would thus disregard such a statement.  Petty persons are like King on the Tudors, as most people would see it.  It's all about me, as on the show he demands people to bow to his whim.

  2. It means that outstanding people challenge themselves and expect the best from themselves. They are focused on being the best they can be.

    Petty, selfish people tell other people what to do. They make demands on other people rather than trying to be the best they can be.

  3. Do homework much?

  4. Exemplary people push themselves to greater limits; petty people put the burden on other people

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