
How do you introduce yourself to random people at parties?

by  |  earlier

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You know, start a conversation with them and c**p? No thanks to a secluded lifestyle I'm pretty new at this whole "socializing" thing.




  1. Simply walk up to the person and say, hello, I`m Jane Doe/ Tom Smith from down the block or from NY or wherever, how are you doing. By then the other person will do the same and you can start the conversation from that point. You can comment on the party and how long you`ve known the host/hostess. If the other person doesn`t seem receptive to your comments, just say , see you later. and go to the next person u wish to meet.

  2. I think if you want to have at least a 3-minute conversation, it's best to stay away from 'yes and no' questions. It's an easy way to end a conversation, especially if the person isn't interested in talking

  3. Hi, my name is ____. I don't believe we've met, and you are? Do you know____? Oh yeah, how long? Got any stories we can tell later?

    Hi, you have a lovely home, blah, blah...basically, introduce yourself, ask the other person's name and ask a question about the other person. A compliment is usually nice, a witty joke can be good, as well. It's really easy to talk to people if you ask a good question and they think you're interested in them.

  4. Step1Walk in with confidence, but not over-confidence. Peevishness can make the other party as nervous as you are. At the same time, obvious arrogance can be intimidating and off-putting.

    Step2:Smile and begin with a simple greeting. Body language is important as well when introducing yourself. Stand up straight and reach toward the other party with a handshake. Before or during the firm but cordial handshake, introduce yourself. Depending on how formal the meeting is, you will give your first, first and last or full name and title.

    Step3: Maintain eye contact, but don't stare. Be interested and upbeat without seeming fake or ditzy. Ask them how they know whoever threw the party.

    Step4:Follow lead. When the other party has installed himself in the room first they may want to show you the ropes. Be pleasant and grateful, but not a wallflower. Engage in conversation and important questioning while making introductions.

  5. people will really enjoy spending time with you if you spend the whole time asking about them, and what their interests are. particularly if they're aspiring actors....

    anyhoo. Just go up to people (without interrupting conversations) and say 'hi, i'm.......... What's your name?'

    then ask how they know the host, what their job is etc.

  6. Make eye contact.  Smile.  Extend a hand and say, "Hi.  I'm (myname), what's your name?"

    Try to notice something about the person worth a positive comment, i.e., "Gee, those are neat shoes (gloves, nails, earrings, hair, etc.)", to put them at ease.  If possible, suggest a connection: "Wow, I've got a cousin named (yourname), we had great fun."  This assists you in remembering their name, and anchors them in your memory.

    Then give them an opening:

    1. What brings you here?

    2. What do you think of this (gathering)?

    Get them to talk about themselves.  The rest is easy.

  7. Hey, hows it going? U from around here?  Find your common interest and capitalize on it.

    Good luck

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