
How do you invert your backround and keep like your face the same?

by  |  earlier

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how do you invert the backround like idk say your on a baseball field its a picture of you how can you keep yourself looking the same and ivert the backround...?




  1. Make a copy of ther base layer

    Select the copy layer

    Around yourself use the magic lasso tool or other selection tool that you can work with well and select your image

    Cut your image out of the layer ( it will still be visible if you have the base layer visible. If you do not have both layers displayed you will not see it )

    Invert the rest of the photo left on the layer

    Set it so both layers are seen if they were not already

    On the copy layer erase any area where the copy might now cover your figure

    Use the clone stamp tool sot select a sampling area and fill any areas that need filling.

    Compress the layers and save under a different name  

  2. try cropping the picture.

    go to

  3. With Paint Shop Pro X2 all you have to do is use the Outline Brush (magic lasso) and outline yourself. When the "scrolling marquee" lines have been connected and the area you want to remain normal has been fully outlined, go up to Selections and click on - Invert..

    Ka-Pow, every thing BUT you is now selected and here you now can do what command you want to - to the rest of the picture.. Invert the background, fuzz it our, color it and yadda, yadda, yadda....

    Bob - Tucson

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