
How do you invoke the god and goddess?

by  |  earlier

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i need help

i need to invoke the god and goddess but i dont know how to

someone help me!!!!!!!!





  1. After clearing your space (yes, this is important before starting *any* ritual) and casting your circle, you call Them - and do so as if you are a child asking for Mom & Dad.  (I learned this from a HP:  "NEVER command the gods, goddesses, or Elementals - or *they* will command *you*.)  Be sure you are in a state of sincerity; I have found that They will listen to a sincere heart.

  2. The god and goddess?  Never heard of 'em.  How can you know you need to invoke them if you don't even know how?

  3. Lie down clear your mind, feel and see yoru self rising up through the universe through the darkness into the light and beyond the light into your god/godess and feel their embrace and then KNOW that you are equal to them should you so choose to be.

    You don;t have to actualy see all this visualy or go into trance but it helps.

    Once you feel teh results your nearly there.

    Main thing is to BELIEVE in it really. When you do that the words you utter carry power in them, it;s hard to describe how it feels but you'll know.

    Develop yoru own way why not.

  4. Cast a circle and call them to you. That is the short version.

  5. very carefully.

  6. Enflame thyself in prayer.  

  7. Which ones?

    Personally, I do more evocation than invocation, but I think you need to study quite a bit more if you don't even know the theory of it.  Study BEFORE you try and do something.  It saves time and wasted energy.

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