
How do you join a paranormal society?

by  |  earlier

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do you have to have special skills or qualifications to be part of a paranormal investigation team?




  1. Educate yourself first. Psi has great info. definitely use his link.

    The other thing once you have educated yourself and figured out what aspect you enjoy the most then contact a group in your area and see if they would allow you to apprentice and learn from them.

    Good luck

  2. special skill is not to scream at every little noise or shadow, like they do on these so call professional shows.

    Be honest in what you sense and don't sense. Not everyone is on the same psychic level, so input from all is important.

    If you feel like you do not have any abilities, then offer to use or carry equipment.

    If the person in charge doesn't allow or answer questions or puts down what you sense, then don't join. Team work is important in a investigating group. Never, ever lie about any false images or noise. Get caught in 1 lie & you will never be trusted again & word travel fast.

  3. No but it never hurts to have special skills, education or qualifications.

    I would suggest you focus on what you enjoy and/or what you at good at (not always the same thing).

    For instance you might enjoy interacting with people so doing interviews might be what you do to help the group.

    Maybe you are good at (or have an interest in learning) photography then setting up photography and optical equipment might be how you assist the group.

    I have included a link below for you that might help you locate a group in your area.


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