
How do you join the Military Police?

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I want to join the Military police. But how do you sign up? Plus since I am trying to go in as a Officer 1, will I need to complete my boot camp first before I can sign on?




  1. Very simple.

    Decide which of the 5 U.S Military Branches you want to enlist in (Either Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Or Coast Guard). Go to their recruiting websites and request more information. Talk to a recruiter, and see which branch you want. Afterwards go and take the ASVAB, and you will see if you are elligable based on your ASVAB Scores and your physical.

    To be in the Military you have to go through basic(boot camp). Currently, the shortest boot camp is the Air Force at 6.5 weeks. However, effective in Nov they are going to 8.5 weeks. If you enlist with the AF now, you wont make it in time for the 6 week schedule.

    To be an officer, Boot camp is even longer(All varies depending the branch). You also need at least a Bachelors degree to be an officer in any of the branches, as well as score High on your ASVAB and have a crystal clean background. (Including Juvenile they Can/WILL find it).

    As far as "Signing On" you will sign an "Active Duty Contract" the ay you ship off before basic. Typically, you'll sign a Delayed Enlistment Contract(DEP) and be in the Delayed Entry Program(DEP Program) before going back to MEPS(Military Entrance Processing Station) to sign the actual active contract.(So be sure the contract you sign when you ship off for basic has everything in it you want.)

  2. You can't be an MP and an Officer...that would be O1.

    You will go in an E2, depending on your branch.

    My boyfriend is thinking of doing the same thing, make sure you takl to ALL the recruiters, Nat'l guard, Army, Air Guard, Airforce, Marines, Coasties, all of them

  3. To start out as an officer, you will need a commission.  That can be obtained by a number of routes, but generally requires a college degree (OCS/OTS), or for you to go to training while you are getting your degree (ROTC or Service Academy).  There are generally no guarantees as to career field when you are in training, particularly Officer training.  The needs of the service come first, and you will be assigned to whatever is needed the most.  

    You are in luck that you want Military Police, as this is a career field that is not usually desired, and is almost always in demand.  

    If you choose to enlist and go to boot camp, depending on the contract you sign, and any prior experience you have that might earn you a higher rank out of boot camp, you will generally graduate as an E1.  Again there are no guarantees, but in general, they need MPs and you will most likely get what you want.  Talk to your local recruiter about enlisted opportunities, but be aware that they are being paid to sign you up to enlist, whether that is really the best decision for you or not.

  4. You simply join a military branch under the designator for MP.

    Each branch has a different title for this job and corresponding designator code.

    In the Navy this job is known as MA.

    If you go in as an officer, most branches call it a Security Officer.

    Officers also get assigned a code that represents their job. You would would need to come in under the code for Security Officer.  In the officer community, there are less guarantees as to which designator you get. Most of the time you fill out a preference sheet and they assign you a designator after OCS based on the needs of the branch. But this process changes branch to branch.

    If you came in as an officer, you would start out as an O-1.

    If you come in as enlisted you would be in the E codes (E-1, E-2, E-3).

    If you could tell us which branch you were interested in, we can provide more detailed information.

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