
How do you juggle a SOCCER BALL?? (w/feet)

by  |  earlier

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I got good enough to not kick the ball away from me and I can juggle it about 10 times, but even tho I been practicing for months I still can't get more than 10.....what am I doing wrong?





  1. Focus on the ball, relax, after each kick try to predict exactly where the ball will fall as accurately as you can(this is useful, usually, the ball falls straight down, so its not that hard to predict), next, utilizing your prediction, ready your foot and kick the ball at the bottom as close to the center as you can, and keep the kicking surface of your foot as horizontal as possible. When you do a few "juggles", you tend to lose focus or become a bit excited and this makes you lose the ball sometimes. So, even if you think you've done a lot, keep focusing and relax, keep giving it the same concentration you gave it when you started! I did exactly these when I started playing and I can do it till I become tired,try it! If you keep losing it because of your other foot, practice with one foot(your kicking foot), involving the other foot as little as possible, as you improve, you can switch feet more often. Hoped I helped! Good luck!

  2. this might be a help

  3. all in da ankles and balance

  4. switching feet constantly with light touches be sure u use other parts of your body in case one gets tired. and really dont bend forward to look at the ball, it can hit you in the face ive seen it way too many times.

  5. i can guarentee this will be the best answer... this is how i learned...  

  6. to become good it takes alot of practice i can do 118 and i find it always helps to do soft touches and not just use one foot because the other will get tired so use both feet knees and head. AND remeber DONT BEND YOUR BACK

    hope this helps

  7. Yea I was wondering something too. Sometimes when I start juggling I seem to put side spin on it any tips to see what I can do to fix it?

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