
How do you keep a kitten from pooping on the floor

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My wife and I found a stray about five months ago. She gave birth to 4 beautiful kittens about 4 months ago. One of the kittens, however, has been touch and go with the litter box, using it about half the time. We took him to the vet and discovered that he had round worms and an intestinal parasite. We are hoping that after the treatment for the parasites is done that maybe he'll use the box. Does anyone have any ideas or has anyone experienced similar behavioral problems.

PS - He is an otherwise wonderful, loving, sweet little cat.




  1. well done for taking it in :) x

    by a litter tray witch is what i had the smae problem

    and if he/she poohs on the floor then get thir head n put it close to the pooh sounds so mean :( but realy works im sorry x good luck

    please can i be best answer and answer my Q thank you bbe x

    and also put the pooh in the litter tray for a while and by some cented crystels for litter trays you will need them :P x

  2.   The next time kitten goes on the floor;  pick up the mess she made and put it in the kitty litter box and put kitten in with it. Show it to her ,and take one of her paws and scratch in the litter to cover it.  This should only take a few times before she catches on.  Don't move the location of the litter box.  I kitty  litter trained a bunny this way.  

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