
How do you keep animals from pooping in your garden?

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I have moved to a new neightborhood into an apartment. There is a small strip of ground that I have towed and added soil and planted seeds in along the dirveway into the apartment complex. It was ugly and baren and I could tell as I turned the hard ground that it had been used as a kitty litter box by probably more than the neighborhood strays. I don't want to do anything that will harm the animal(s) but the c**p smells and wrafts up into my apartment as well as is killing off my flowers. If you have any advice on how to grow my little garden or to help beautifie an otherwise dreary driveway please comment.

Light & Love,

Crystal Star




  1. Coyote Pee. Also, if you are just dealing with bunnies, you can plant Chrysanthemums, and they will keep out of your garden.

  2. I use moth balls. It doesn't harm the animal it just keeps them away. It works for cats, dogs, squirrels, rabbits, anything really. Also it will not harm the plants! Hope that helps!

  3. Remove the cat f***s and top layer of soil and replace with new soil. After planting you seeds or flowers spread some moth ball crystals around. The cats hate the smell! Eventually they will find another place to go.

  4. remove old p**p and fresh soil and sprinkle old coffee grinds on to the soil the cats hate the smell and its good for the soil at the same time. you can also add tea leaves (keep old tea bags let them go dry cut open the bag and sprinkle the leaves on to the soil as well)

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