
How do you keep ants out of your swinningpool?

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How do you keep ants out of your swinningpool?




  1. The only way to rid of ants is not kill them where they are near the pool. Their colony is usually not too close to where they are active. Try to find a trail of ants (ants follow the same path as the scout ants leave their scents). Follow the ant trail away from the pool and usually find a nest where the ants leave and return. They are usually a small hole in the ground or crack in the foundation or concrete. Soak the source of the nest with any insecticide made for ants, fleas, lawn insects, etc.

  2. Get chalk and draw a line around your pool.

  3. spray around your pool area.

  4. Seven will work good to kill any ants around at the time you spray but it will not last very long.

    I spray vegetable cooking oil on my hummingbird feeder and that seams to keep the ants away.  Maybe spray some cooking oil around it if you want to be organic.

  5. What?  You don't let the little fellas cool off in the pool?

  6. I have been using Sevin in the ready to use bottle.  You actually attach it to your water hose and turn it on and spray.  It recommends using once every 7 days.  I have been spraying around the base of my fence, which covers the perimeter of the pool.  So far it has been very successful, but suddenly we have had an enormous out break of flying ants.  Just today someone recommended the large outdoor fogger for them!

  7. Get WD40 and have a lighter, spray the WD40 tords them and u will be burning some ants..

  8. ?~

    1st you make these little-bitty signs and glue them to the bamboo skewers or Popsicle sticks stating something like "Swimming is lethal for ants."

    Then you could some mix up some really good organic ant repellent & make sure it touches every blade of grass- or there is this "Bug Be Gone" stuff they sell at walmart; but it is toxic- so follow the directions carefully.

    Get yourself a fish net- use fly strips and surroung the bottom -or any non-drying sticky stuff..

    Then you find their house and destroy it with a high pressure nozzle on your hose.  You'll be amazed at the size of hole these pests occupy underground.  

    I dig ants.  They are hard working, helpful & fun to watch---

    just not in MY yard.  I like the sign idea & chalk thing.

    Love you, God bless.

  9. Use a mix of cinnamon and sugar. The ants will pick up the sugar, along with the cinnamon, and take it back to their queen. Ants can’t digest cinnamon and once the queen dies from not being able to digest the cinnamon the colony will die without her.

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