
How do you keep bees from getting in your humming bird feeder

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How do you keep bees from getting in your humming bird feeder




  1. You can buy a bee guard at the store; it is a screen that fits over the spout.  Hummingbirds' beaks can reach the nectar, but a bee's shorter proboscis can't.

    Or maybe you could make one.  

  2. Last summer a reader of my column and I worked together on an experiment to keep bees, wasps, and yellowjackets away from the hummingbird feeder. It worked!

    Put the regular hummingbird solution in a small container - an old saucer or jar lid. We used a peanut butter jar lid.

    We placed the jar lid on the ground quite close to the feeder until the undesirable insects found it and started feeding from it. At first, each day we moved the lid a short distance from the feeder. As more insects came to the ground feeder, we moved it farther away, sometimes twice a day. They followed, seeming to prefer feeding on the ground.

    Once this reliable source of nectar was established, we had few, if any, insects at the hummingbird feeder. And the hummingbirds never went to the insect feeder.

    I suggest the insect feeder be placed on a stone or brick to prevent anyone accidentally stepping on it and getting stung.

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