
How do you keep dating interesting? Ever run out of things to talk about?

by  |  earlier

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After a long time I'm back at dating again, your inputs are appreciated.




  1. Go to

    u'll hv all u need

  2. If your dates aren't interesting and you planned well, the person is not for you.  If you run out of things to talk about, probably also, not for you.  What I have found is that if you have enough things in common with just enough stuff different, your conversations are going to be interesting and will continue for the length of your dates.  Relationships should only be work after you are already in them.  My husband and I have been together for over ten years and we still go on weekly coffee dates and can talk for hours and hours.  In fact on most days its a miracle if we aren't talking over each other.  You'll know its right if you just can't stop talking to each other.

  3. trust, confidence, respect,  being yourself and trying to make the best out of everything etc. are all the things that keep up a relationship.  As long as there are all those are sure that you will have lots of intersting things to say to your partners.

  4. do fun stuff talk about whatever you fell like

  5. we run out of things to say all e time. i would say spread out ur activities, don make e beginning of e relationship too interesting n fall flat towards e end. if both of u are out going, sure lots of stuff to do.

  6. Hi Your freind, I'm Corry. A couple needn't be having meaningful conversation at all times for there to be a healthy relationship. That's merely my opinion of course. If the time when you are not talking to each other is uncomfortable, that's not a good sign for the long term. I hope that you will accept this personal experience as an example. Me and the Lady of my life were in a long term relationship. We could sit for hours, just feet apart from each other while doing seperate things. Art, letter writing, crafts, etc with one or the other getting up for coffee now and then and refilling the other's cup as well. The words "thank you" and "you're welcome" were the only words spoken. Aside from that there were occasional glances up from our selected tasks, just long enough to catch the other's eye and there would be smiles and sometimes a wink and there was a complete comfort in each of us just knowing the other was there and had just made us grin with only a glance. Often there were times when one would be reminded of a time in their life and would begin to tell the story only to say "oh I already told you about that" and the other would ask to hear it again. It truly was just as interesting because it was part of what had made us into the person the other one fell in love with. So try telling a story again and see how your partner reacts and try asking to hear one again that you've already heard and see how you react. Best of all though, if you can sit in the same room for say even an hour without a radio, tv, or anything which requires solid attention and not be uncomfortable then you're relationship is strong. The fact that you're asking this question at all though is what concerns me. I don't pretend to know what's best for you or to be able to solve your dilemma, just to maybe give you some options to consider. I truly wish you all the best Your Freind.  Corry.

  7. Hallo there!  Okay, I'll give this a whirl.  First off, since you are just getting back into the single scene, may I suggest that you've decided on how to discuss or not discuss this 'status' with your prospective dates.  Secondly, perhaps, try to not dwell on this change of 'status'.  I'll figure that you recognize where I'm heading with these two suggestions.  Think "I'm new & interesting!"

    Okay, on to talking pointers:

    1) Scan sports headlines

    2) Scan latest local events headliners [concerts, auto shows, etc.]

    3) Talk a bit about sports; renovations; food; gardening; and /or health {touchy thing}

    4) Watch the 'body language' does your date lean towards you when you talk about certain subjects?  Yes?  that's what you expand upon.  No? then change topics to something.

    Best of luck!

  8. Always ask question about the person you are with.Look at them when they speak and you to them. Ask about job, family, sports, cars , do they hunt fish or what. Favorite book movie . funniest thing that ever happened to them .You know you will have a great time because you have grown closer and know him better and that was fun. YES

  9. take your date different places

    bowling, skating, movies, concerts, museums, plays or activities. visit friends, visit family, yours and your date's family

    pick a book for both of you to read and discuss it.........take a night school course together, learn a skill like painting together, cooking classes, computer class, start a book club with friends, go dancing, cook dinner at home, learn to bake cookies together,

    part two will come [from me] when you have exhausted these ideas    LOL

  10. if you do not know what to say, let her to talk and you listen

  11. if both of you are at the point where there is nothing else to talk about then you are a mismatch. If you really connect with a person you will talk forever.

  12. I have been married to my hubby for 34 years and we havent run out yet of things to talk about!!  Comment on the news of the day, places you will like to visit, the weather, anything that you would like to talk about.

  13. Sometimes neither one of us feels like talking, so we don't. We'll watch TV or a movie, or read, or fool around on the computer. We've been dating exclusively over a year, we don't live together, but I go over to his place on the weekends, when I'm not out of town.

    We also do things together that may not involve talking (now get your mind out of the gutter), like fishing and hunting. Being comfortable with silence is not a bad thing.

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