
How do you keep from blinking during a camera flash?

by  |  earlier

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Anyone have any tips? It tends to ruin otherwise good photos.




  1. dont blink O_O

  2. dont look at the flash part of the camera...  

  3. Focus on looking at the lense of the camera -

    but what I find really helps is to look to the side of the camera, right away from the flash, but not too much because it will show in the photo!

    Also, just relax while carefully focusing on keeping your eyes open. It takes practice!  

  4. close your eyes and have the person taking the picture count to 3

    on 3 open your eyes. i know it sounds dumb but i used to have the same problem and this seemed to solve it :)

    good luck!

  5. yeah just don't look at the flash part look somewhere else  

  6. By the time you blink from the flash the picture is already taken so I don't see what your worried about. Also just don't directly look at the camera look very slightly above

  7. close your eyes then when you say 3 open them!

  8. mentally prepare yourself for the flash so you're not so surprised

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