
How do you keep wasps from building mini nests in the crack between the back car door and the doorway?

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Aside from pesticides. My dad's van is parked in the driveway most of the week and wasps like to try to make nests there. The nests aren't very big but we wish we didn't have to keep getting rid of them. First and second time it's ever happened. Hoping for no more recurrences.




  1. spray the areas of the car lightly with insecticides formulated for wasps every time during the spring

  2. Just a simple mild mixture of Clorox bleach in water will do the trick.  Try a 5 parts water to 1 part bleach in a spray bottle and apply to the areas of concern.  Repeat weekly and you should remain wasp free.  This is also an excellent repellent for carpenter bees and ants.

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