
How do you keep your child cool when traveling in the summer time?

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When it's 80-95 degrees outside and you open your car door all the humidity comes out. How do you make sure that your child is cool in the back seat when you travel?

My child is only a month old, and no matter what I do; turn on the air conditioner, roll down the windows, etc. Whenever I pick him him up he has a long sweat line down his back and is warm to the touch. I'm a new Mommie, so I'm not so good at all of this just yet.

I try buckling him into his carseat with the doors open and if someone else is with me, I'll turn the car on and let the air run, but by the time we get to our destination he's hot. And I'm afraid to turn the AC on too high, becasue it might freeze him. I'm sure it doesn't matter how old the child is, this could still be a concern, so I'd like to hear from Mommies/Daddies with older childer too. Thanx in advance.




  1. I know some people make little fans that you can keep on the car seat, they attach and everything. That would be good even if you are in the car, taking a walk, or going to the store.

  2. one way to keep him cool is to give him alot of cold water keep him cool from the inside out, also think about tinting your windows, the sweating problems might also have nothing to do with  the heat but the anxiety of the ride so when your on the road take  more frequent breaks it might help

  3. I have 5 kids (youngest being 1) and use the AC. Just like you might run the heat before you get in your car in the winter, run the AC on high 10 minutes before you leave. Then when you get in, change it to medium. That way it doesn't get too cold.

    Another thing you can do it get a car seat fan. I have one on my 1 year olds car seat, because it is so heavy I feel like I'm sweating her even with the AC on. Other then that, just keep him in light cotton clothes. That helps too. Nothing with a heavy material.

    Good luck!

  4. Keep humidifier, wipe the sweat with cotton,

    wear thin cotton clothes, breast feed to quench

    his thirst,park the car in a cool place and let the

    breeze come in and cool him.  Short distances ok, but the best option to travel long distance ----

    take him by flight.


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