
How do you keep your daughter from leaving the menstrual hut?

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My 13 year old daughter won't stay in the menstrual hut the entire length of her menstruation. She says it's because there is no air conditioning, I think it's because it reminds her of her mother, god rest her soul. She has everything she needs; food for a week, water, a Bible. Leviticus 15:19-30 is pretty clear and direct, I'm thinking about just locking her in there, I'm at my wits end, what should I do?




  1. Religious rites shouldn't be forced on others. She is old enough to know if this religious sacrament is for her or not.

    You should respect her decision and remind her that you love her no matter what choices she makes ....kind of like I envision the way God loves all of his children.

    After-all, it is just a religious ceremony, it is only a representative action, not an actual supernatural event.

    That is just my thought, not sure it exactly answers your question. I guess a good way to stop her from leaving is to add air conditioning, Internet, cell phone and cable. You will never get her out of there.

  2. Get a life....

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