
How do you keep your fingers on the home row when you begin to type faster?

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I'm an adult student and learning how to type well would certainly be a plus. I'm actually pretty good at the two finger method but it doesn't work too well when you need to read what your typing. I've been using Mavis Beacon and I've learned the letters well, but now that I'm able to move a little faster I find my fingers don't really stay on the home row. I don't think I'll ever have enough dexterity to just put one finger on a letter at a time without any other fingers moving. Been putting in more hours into this typing than I'd like to think about for the last three weeks. Trying to get efficient at this before school starts back up in a month.




  1. On a computer keyboard, the F key and the J key have a little raised line on them so you can feel when your fingers are on home row or not.  You can always re-orientate your fingers if you get off home row, but the trick is only to move the necessary fingers to make a word while leaving the other fingers on home row.

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