
How do you keep your hair curly all day?

by  |  earlier

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  1. hi

    use heat up hair curlers they keeps it curly all day but calm of by the end of they day the hotter the curlers the better and before you curl your hair try using hair mouse or something that is good the gel hair spray from avon that works quite good.


  2. Use hairspray


  4. get yourself some mousse Pantene, and diffuser for your dryer.  Dry you hair with the diffuser while applying mousse.

    It will not damage your hair as much as using a hair curler.

  5. I have this problem too, because it does not stay in.

    To start of with, wash your hair but dint condition it because sometimes when your hair is to soft it effects the curls. After washing (and towel drying briefly) brush your hair into its normal parting whether middle or side, and because my side fringe always goes really frizzy, i blow dry it first so it sits better, but only the fringe. Then use mouse (one that does not contain hairspray), or if you have naturally curly hair, just scrunch it and leave to dry naturally. When it's fully dry, curl some of the parts that haven't went fully curly with tongs or straighteners (i use straighteners; ghd's). Add hairspray, and even if the self curled bits do loose hold, the naturally curl parts will stay like taht all day even in the rain.

  6. Shampoo and condition your hair. Towel dry. Apply a mousse or other styling product lightly to your damp hair to give it some texture.. While your hair is still damp, bend your head over so you're drying your hair upside down. Dry your hair with the blow dryer while using your hands to scrunch it. Once your hair is dry, throw your head back and immediately spray with silvikrin Flexible Hairspray .

  7. Hair curlers..

    Or some curling cream..

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