
How do you keep yourself going?

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When everything is going down in your life, what do you do to keep yourself going?




  1. god is my anchor

  2. on hard days, I just put one foot in front of the other and go through the motions. soon things get better for real.  

  3. I pray. Jesus keeps me going. I read my Bible, I always feel better after that.

  4. I do something nice for someone else, and never let anybody know about it. For example, after a really bad day at work once, I was so down and feeling really crabby and bad about life. I went outside to go home and cleaned the windshields of my coworkers before I left. By the time I got done, my mood was a lot better, and they never did know how their windshields were magically clean.  I overheard some later saying they were tired and dreaded going out to go home, and the surprise made their day. They never have figured out it was me.

    P.S. Please don't tell !  ;)

  5. I've always been a very positive person, but I've had a really stressful summer. It got to the point that when I started feeling depressed I would start saying the 23rd Psalm: The Lord is my shepard I shall not want. It made me feel better. You may want to try this.

  6. just take it one day at a time..and talk to to the people who mean the most to me.  (i miss you all back at home!)

  7. I don't, really. I keep it all in until nighttime, then it all gets to me, I can cry by myself, and then then the next day I act like nothing happened and I'm perfectly fine. Probably not the healthiest way to deal.

  8. I try harder and keep looking for solutions.

    Right now I am working with people who need help - I sometimes think I get more from it than they do and am very grateful for the opportunity.

    I am learning to practice acceptance of the circumstances I find myself in without reacting angrily or letting it destroy me but it isn't easy.

  9. That feeling you are experiencing is really the feeling of having lost control. They say if you are experiencing anxiety, also, it is because of a momentary loss of control. The idea is to reclaim control of the situation, whatever it is. When I find I am getting upset, I go and sit down and quiet everything down inside myself. You can do that intellectually, but the thing people forget to do is also work with their nervous system, which is also agitated.

    If you have been upset or anxious or feeling down, you can know that fact in your mind, but your body and feelings are also dealing with it, so you have to quiet everything down and deal with your feelings, too.

    I have a comfortable chair in our living room and I just go and sit down in it when I realise I am upset or nervous. So what usually happens is I fall off to sleep and take a nap. That's okay, because when I wake up, my whole body has sort of reset itself and I'm okay again.

    I have found a quiet place within myself. Some people call that their God place, or the place where God speaks to them, some people get very religious about all this and have all kinds of things to tell you.

    I would encourage you to just quiet everything down around you so you can get your bearings and reset your compass.

    I have lived with my Life Partner for 49+ years now, so when I get upset, I just begin thinking about him and his quality of life and it helps me get back on track again - thinking of someone other than myself and my own problems. I become more outer-directed.

    I hope my answer is helpful to you and it is sent to you with positive energies from Chris in South Portland, Maine, U.S.A. I am 65, so it is important for me not to dwell in a bad mood for very long. I would rather relax and take a nap than be emotionally upset. So when my brain starts handing me the anxiety and upset routine, I have trained it to know ahead of time that all I will do in response is to go take a nap. It actually helps to diffuse the unrest in me.

    It is my way of telling my brain it will get nowhere if it tries to upset me even one little bit.

  10. *Prayer.

    *A relationship with Jesus

    *Perspective...try to refocus yourself.  

    *Help someone else.  Taking the focus off yourself always helps!

    *Vitamin B-12...really helps! :)

    *Go to bed on time.

    *Eat healthy food.

    *Stop feeling sorry for yourself and go do something worthwhile!!

    *Hope that helps ;)

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