
How do you keep yourself going when you're running long distance?

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Amber and I did a whole mile running yesterday. I felt sooo winded and like I wanted to crash. I know it takes persistence to go long distance without getting winded, but whats a good way to keep motivated when trying to get in the zone?




  1. You don't run long distance at the same pace you run a mile (at least if you're racing them).

    If you want to exceed a mile in training, try not to go over "conversational" pace. In other words, you should be able to carry on a conversation without too much difficulty while running, and not find yourself winded and wanting to crash.

    The more you get used to the distance, the faster you'll go at a comparable effort level.

    Anyway, you shouldn't be getting winded if you're running at a good pace for distance right now. Slow it down overall and you'll be able to go farther. Also, try to breath slowly and deeply from your "stomach" rather than huffing and puffing from your chest.

  2. you can do two things. either just use pure mental strength adn blank your mind during the race, or you can think about something that will occupy you for however long your running. now i am a sprinter so i dont know from first hand. but that is just what i hear from my long distance running teammates. hope that helps! good night, and good luck.

  3. Try not to think about the running and keep you mind off of it, get into a pattern while your running and concentrate on your breathing. I also find it really helpful to listen to music while I run so if you have an ipod you could try that.

    To get yourself up to running longer distances build yourself up to it, and if you need to stop and walk because your feeling bad don't hesitate to, make a goal you want to finish and work to achieve it. Once you get comfertable running the whole distance then you can start trying to do it faster.

  4. run with a friend

    youll be amazed how much easier a run can be when with a group

  5. breath with ur nose!

  6. just try to push yourself until you pass the goal.

  7. Keep working at it and definitely make a play list of pump up songs.  Any song that gets you going or helps take your mind off what you're doing.

  8. i hate running long distances. But when i get winded and beat i try to think of whta im trying to accomplish, and just put one foot in front of the other

  9. The key is to build up the time/distance you run, eventually your body will be able to run for longer and longer periods of time. It's called getting in shape. If you physically cannot run a mile or more, that's because the muscles in your body are not used to/able to. That's not saying that at that point it's not a mental thing- if you want to stop and walk it takes endurance to keep going- but endurance is something you have to build up, too. When I first started out running, I would stop and walk whenever I wanted because I didn't have the kind of discipline needed to keep going. As my body got more in shape, my mind did, too. Running is not just about putting one foot in front of the other, it really is a sport. You have to let yourself get better over time and practice it and perfect it just like you do in any other sport. Running benefits you SO much- body and soul. I don't suggest an iPod, some people may like to have loud, distracting, busy music on while they run but I find that it just tires me out more. If you really want to get better, go alone- without people, pets, or music- and focus on your stride, your breathing, and your speed. I find that if you keep your mind on the pain, it's a lot more rewarding in the end.

  10. Well, no offense...but I never really thought of a mile as long distance!  But in any case, when you're doing any distance that you will have to pace yourself on, it's good to focus on breathing rythmicly.  For example, maybe breathe every 4 steps or something.  That will keep you from becoming too winded.  Also, don't kill yourself in the beginning of a long run by running too hard initially.  Finally, think about something other than how long you have left...think listen to music.

  11. think of something that makes you angry, and run harder.

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