
How do you keep yourself organized in the classroom?

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What tips can you share to keep everything pertaining to your classroom in order? Every year, I have problems with this.




  1. ok i have 5 manila folders for my 5 classes

    on the front of each has the printout of the spreadsheet with names and grids

    when a kid turns ina pice of work the chekc it off the front and put it inside, when ive graded it i then use a highlighter to say ive recorded the grade in my computer.

    that way nothing gets lost


    nothgin leaves the folders- failsafe system!!! used it for years-also helps wiht attendance check/ fire alarm....

    a filing cabinet is handy for ieps- do not leave any where a kid can see them.

    calendar  so u and they can visually see the plan of the week/ month- it really helps

    keep the separate subject areas planned in different color coded binders- u can collect their work in as evidence for each child and check off the benchmark achieved- i tend t use a more formative approach to learning- i have many iep kids inmy classes.

  2. I try to have as much electronic as possible and keep it all in separate files on my lap top.  It helps to keep the paper mess down.  I keep student info, lesson plans, to do lists, etc. on my computer.

    I use 2 pocket folders to organize student work for each day of the week.

    I keep my grade book electronically on the computer.

    I use TONS of plastic baskets to keep everything from school supplies to books in.

    I also use trays to help keep what I've graded and what needs to be graded separate.  

    Good luck!

  3. Personally, I use hanging folders with manila file folders inside of them (the file folders are a little larger so I can write on the tabs that stick out, yet the handing folder fits in the cabinet to actually hang) and I have two different file areas.  One is dedicated to only my students, where I have numbered 1-25 on them (each of my students gets assigned a number, typically alphabetically..keeps confidentiality).  I put any copies of poor assignments the students do in the folder and student info, nurses notes, office admit slips, parent letters, etc in their folder (plus when we have p/t conf I can easily pull the file out of my desk and show the parents everything related to their kid in a microsecond).  The second is labeled for all the subjects I teach, and in each subject I keep the 'extra' copies of the work I have given the students (encase a student is sick I easily have the copy available and so I don't have to waste my time repeating myself the next year)

    As for memos, emails, and staff related 'stuff', I keep everything in a 3 ring binder for that year.  There is another teacher in our building who does this religiously for diff reasons (just to have a copy of everything encase discrepancy's come up on info or dates..keeps admin accountable =)

    As for classroom supplies...I'm assuming you are referring to yours and the students as well?  In the beginning of the year the students label their stuff and sit it on an empty shelf in the room.  My stuff is all labeled (because I've noticed how much the kids love to 'borrow' things and then not return) and I have all of it in plastic shelves that have wheels on them.  

  4. Here are some things I do in my room:

    Keep a file folder for each student to organize letters from home, passes, work samples, etc.  

    Place your seating chart in a file folder and clip an overhead transparency sheet over it.  It's an easy way to take attendance in the morning.

    Get an expanding file to organize papers to be graded and passed back.  You will even have an extra pocked in a standard 13 compartment one to hold stickers, pens, e-z grader, etc.

    Spend the last few minutes at the end of the day cleaning up the room for the next day...and have your students responsible for doing it.

    Keep all of your lesson plans and lesson planning materials in a binder with tabs.

    Organize all of your classroom supplies like scissors, glue sticks, colored pencils, etc. in plastic shoe boxes with labels on the outside.  

    Just look at each thing you need to do in your room and plan a system around it.  Don't look at the room as a whole.  Baby steps are key here.  

    Good luck!

  5. you should buy foilders for classes or you can buy folderse with pockets in them or you can buy dividers best of luck , emily .s

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