
How do you keep yourself sane while TTC?

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Am trying not to think about how much I want a baby (been trying for 11 months and nothing) but its beginning to really bother me. I feel like I'm failing at the one thing a woman should be able to do. Seems dramatic I know but I'm starting to lose hope. How do you ladies who have been trying for a long time keep yourselves together? xx




  1. I tried to keep myself from going insane but I think I have have quite the pee on a stick addiction now and i'm driving myself crazy. Right after af leaves, I pee on my opk sticks and a few days after the positive on that I start peeing on my hpt's a very frustrating cycle. I am now taking a ton of hpt test. I am 9 dpo but started testing at 3 dpo...I know it's way too soon but I can't help it and every day I get more upset with each new bfn. I have only been ttc for 6 months and I can't even begin to imagine how our fellow ladies on here are handeling it when they are going on a year and more ttc, so my heart truly goes out to them. I guess we just all have to stay positive and know that when it's our time, it will happen.

  2. it's a really tough thing to go through, are you ovulating on your own? after a year you should takl to your obgyn to make sure everything is ok, sometimes with as little as a prescription med like clomid and other it could help you a lot, and easy the journey, you can find others going through this journey and ask fertility specialists questions online for free, try

    good luck!

  3. iron lady ur so rude how dare u!!!!!!!!!! iv been ttc 4 a year n now been told my ftubes r blocked so have 2 go n have a op 2 unblock them, plzzzzzzzzzz keep ur hopes up i no its hard darling x

  4. First let me tell  Iron lady that she is no lady at all. That was rude!

    All you can do is keep trying and to speak with your doctor.

  5. Hi i dont think any1 keeps sane, its so easy when people say it will happen when its ment to,that just so bugs me.Ive been ttc 4 2yrs now and its so hard i just take each day as it comes some days are better than others and when af arrives i just think maybe the next month is my month.GOOD LUCK  

  6. You are not meant to be a mother that's why.

    U r one big baby urself now go and cry.

  7. It is so hard, it really is. All us lovely ladies can do is relate to one another's ups and downs and also try to get some time away from the trials and tribulations of TTC! I find that I can quite happily become a control freak during my cycles - as brandy said above, there is always some sort of stick I can seem to justify peeing on; be it for ovulation or pregnancy! That and the BBTs every morning - my partner agrees I'm an obsessive compulsive charter too!

    This month I'm trying to take more "me time" out as I have a few days off from work where I plan to do nothing but the gardening, shopping for myself and maybe even visit a salon :) - It's the small things that make the difference.

    Good luck and oodles of babydust to us all *****

  8. Some people have nothing better to do with their time than make nasty comments!! I hope that when 'iron lady' TTC (and it doesn't happen right away) she doesn't get such horrible comments from people when asking for advice (God forbid she has a child already with that attitude!) STUPID LITTLE GIRL!!

    Anyway! Getting to the question...

    The way I have kept myself going over the last 3 1/2 years of TTC is hope.  You can never give up hope.  It's hard to hear your closest family member or closest friend is pregnant.. My little Sister had her first baby on the day I had my IUI.  You just have to imagine having your own baby in your arms one day!

    I had years of BFN! Hundreds of them! and 0 BFP's.  I had my first IUI 13 days ago.  3 Days ago I started testing and in total I've had 7 BFP's (all faint lines) and 0 BFN's!!!

    I'm just praying that it sticks!!  So if I can have hope after 3 1/2 years I think most people should know it WILL happen for them too!  it just may take a little longer.

    So you have to keep smiling (even when it hurts!) and look forward to the future!

    I hope you don't have to wait as long as me x*x

    BaBy DuSt for all TTC!!! XXXXXXXXX

  9. If you are not pregnant by next month, you need to see a specialist.  Your GP regardless of how lovely is not trained in fertility/infertility and can not help you.  Just because you have had a blood test for FSH and LH once or even twice really means very little.  Those levels can change each cycle.  There is a lot that goes into a fertility work up to discover what the problem might be.  Make an appointment with a reproductive endocrinologist (RE).  They are specialist in fertility problems.  They do a thorough work up to see what the problem might be.  They also will check your husband.  Also unfortunately, 40% of all women who are having problems conceiving wind up with a diagnosis of unexplained fertility.  The specialist can not even find what's wrong.    I am telling you all this because if you are not pregnant by next month you need to take action.  Many women have the regret of waiting too long before seeking the proper help.  

    As for how do you cope:  I have been trying to have a baby for 2 years.  I had a missed miscarriage at 10.5 weeks.  I then lost my baby girl when I was 5 months pregnant. She had trisomy 21 and a heart defect.  I have been trying to get pregnant for a year now.  I did start seeing an RE in May.  I don't get upset when I get my period.  I just focus on what I can do next cycle to make it better.  Not getting pregnant isn't the worse thing- losing a baby is.  I just try to focus on conceiving a healthy baby.  I don't want to lose a baby again.  It is too painful.  I also look at other women who have lost babies further along in their pregnancy or after the baby is born and know that my situation is not as bad as it could be.  I have yet to lose hope that I will have a baby some day.  Its just taking me a long time to get there.  

    Do you what you can to maximize your chances of becoming pregnant.  Stay hopeful.  I wish you the best of luck.

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