
How do you kindly tell someone they smell? serious answers only pls?

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i have a friend in the army that doesn't shower, wash his clothes, brush his teeth etc. basically just has terrible hygiene. Everyone tells him that he smells to take a shower, but they're guys and they tell me in a mean way. One of his other guy friends tries to talk to him about showering, but my friends just tells the other guy he is annoying him. my friend is already getting sores and rashes because of his hygiene. i want to tell him , but in a way that he'll listen. is there any hope for him? any advice would be appreciated




  1. sounds to me like hes a troubled person who obviously knows he smells and just doesn't care about himself or well being.

    i think you should get him into a comfortable environment and try to have a serious conversation about whats troubling him and why he isn't taking care of himself properly.

  2. Just try to talk to him and let him know that you are seriously concerned about his health if he doesn't start to shower

  3. Invite him over &  be like im going to take a shower first then when im done you can take on ... act regualar . but ewh its gross.

  4. Talk to your Captain about him, to post a shower schedule,that, "all must comply." That way, he will not be singled out.

  5. If he doesn't have trouble getting girls, he will never change.

    I also thought the army wouldn't tolerate a lack of hygiene to that extent, but I guess not.

  6. I had a simular situation actually. I was at Ft. Jackson and this friend (battle buddy) hardly ever showered. She had terrible lack of self confidence and spent her time reading a book.  She had a huge stench. So what I did was I first started out offering things like "hey so i tried this new shampoo and conditioner (or body wash in your situation) and I like it. It really has been releaving the stress of the day. Want to try it out? I already had PVT (pick someone) try it out and he likes it." You can try that approach. She did try it but she was just not caring about herself nor her hygiene.  What we ended up doing was actually talking to our sgt about it. What they did next was a bit more embarressing. Standing there while she showered...::sigh:: Depression can do that.

  7. Try and casually bring up a conversation about what kind of shampoo smells good, etc.

    Or try in a sarcastic voice saying "Man you need to take a shower," or something like that.

    Hopefully he will eventually get the hints. Sorry if I'm not much help, hard situation!

  8. Err Gross much? Hahaha. But Anyways Tell Him That Its Not Healthy And Its So Not Attractive. :)

  9. its easy :P

    tell him : come friend(name ) iwanna tell you something and you just promise me that you accept what i say (he will say sure )

    tell him : man , im ur best friend here , and i want the best for you ..

    man maybe you should really take ashower , trust me its better for you ,not for me , cause u have abad smell,and its not sound good to be asmelly guy ,:P btw , i have afriend almost like that one :P ,but now he have super heygine

  10. Well since he is in the army he maybe cant shower....Maybe say hey do u want to go out and get....and say okay take a shower and brush your teeth its gonna be a pretty cool place...and take him sum where. and say wow you smell good....and then tell him to keep it up....

    idk...its hard to tell sumone that...good luck

  11. He needs to be told by someone he really respects. Like a female. You should talk to him (in private) about it - just say you've noticed he's being hassled by guys. Tell him you hate to see him being hassled, and that you're concerned for him. Gently tell him that unless he wants people to react this way towards him all his life, he needs to start taking better care of himself.

    You could give him some (made-up) example of someone you "know" that didn't take care of himself and wound up with serious health problems. Anything to make him think about the consequences and urge him into action.

    By taking the emphasis of his smell, and putting it on how you don't like how he's being treated badly by his peers, you're making it less of a personal attack.  Good luck ;)

  12. there is hope for him. if you are younger, maybe you could talk to one of his siblings or parents about it. i'm sure they could say it in a way that wouldn't offend him. since he is in the army, i assume he is a little older, so if you would rather do it yourself, maybe you could let him know that you are concerned about his health and that he will simply benefit from becoming more hygienic (the sores and rashes should go away once he gets into a routine).

  13. Just be real tell them you not trying to be funny or anything or rude just tell them in a gently and kind way say sorry for telling you this but you kinda have an odor im just being a real friend  and telling you whats up  

  14. Tell him the good sides of taking a shower

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