
How do you kindly tell someone you don't want them to carpool with you?

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How do you kindly tell someone you don't want them to carpool with you?




  1. If the person  is on the side of the road don't stop. If he or she waves at you wave back and keep going, if you stop the first thing that person will do is open your car door and get in. If the person is telling you that he or she wants to carpool with you just say: "Sorry, but I really don't like to have pasengers in my car, bye;" and keep going. Don't try to be too nice because a leach will find the way to stick. If you already made the mistake of giving a ride to that person, just say that you really like to be alone when you are driving.

  2. Just say that your work schedule is a bit unpredictable and you don't want to have to force them to stay late or leave early.

  3. you look he or she square in the eyes with a small smile and say "i will not ride with you again cause i am riding with al cook" and then say you really need to learn to drive cause you scare me half to death.  enough said?

  4. tell them you have to start going to your court appointed maturbating in public annonymous class after work. unless you want to come to.(no pun intended) let them dump you.

  5. I am trying to be kind about this, but I really do not fell comfortable being around you. It is best to get right to the point and get it over with. Have a good evening.

  6. I had to tell a person that I could no longer drive them to and from work. I had other things I had to do and was no longer driving in their direction. I gave them two weeks notice so they could find other transportation. They bought a used car.

  7. hello,

    i am a little fed up with carpooling with you so please can we not carpool?

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