
How do you knit with one hand?

by Guest64017  |  earlier

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I remember seeing pictures of people in Europe or somewhere knitting with one long needle held under and arm and one short needle in their hand. I'm having surgery on my hand and wonder if this might work for me so I don't have to give up knitting for the summer. Does anyone know about this practice?




  1. It sounds like you've seen pictures of Shetland knitters in northern Great Britain who use what is called a knitting belt.  This is a pad strapped around their waist with a long double pointed needle inserted into one of the openings.  They manipulate the shorter needle with one hand while guiding the yarn, usually with the other.  I've never used one, myself, but I believe that you can order one, and the needles to use with it, at

  2. I don't know anyone that knits with a needle under their arm, but I have a friend that knits with one hand using one of these:

    She can knit very fast with it!  She finds it useful for other things, too, like holding a nail file to file her nails.

  3. Although I have never used one, I know people with a variety of disabilities (from arthritis to paralysis on one side) who use the round looms and knitting combs. You might investigate this craft for summer activities. (There are a number of charities who accept baby, child and adult hats at the holidays, as well as a variety of techniques to straight pieces like scarves and larger pieces like afghans.

    Good luck with your surgery; I hope you get wonderful results.

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