
How do you know a good pool cue?

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How do you know a good pool cue?




  1. Different manufacturers will tout their own specialty, but basically the cue must be comfortable to you.  Most two-piece cues manufactured today are going to be straight and decent, whether they cost $20 or $200.  Look for these features, in this order;  1) something you can afford, don't go crazy into debt!  2) a cue that is a comfortable weight and feel to you 3) design, yeah you want it to look good, but it doesn't make you shoot any straighter!  BTW, I shoot with a Meucci, but I know players who could whip my butt even if using a Wal-mart special.

  2. First of all don't go to Wal-Mart to buy one. Go to a pool table store ask the guy what he recommends and why. You need a light weight cue and one that a new tip can be screwed in when the tip falls off and it will. A good cue can cost $50 and up it should have a case to protect it when you are not using it.

  3. You are able to win a lot with it!!

  4. Pick a weight that feels good to you.

    Roll the stick on the table to make sure it is straight.

    Then look at the tip , the curve of the cue should be rounded about the same as the edge of a quarter and have plenty of tip left.

    A lot of people have their own sticks but I say you can make it or miss it with any good stick.

    Good luck!

  5. its not crooked.

  6. when it dont wobble, be slanted.

    roll it across the table and if you see a gap or it wobbles then its a bad cue stick.

  7. You could search forever and never find a cue that feels comfortable to you right away. It usually takes a little time to get comfortable with anything new. A good pool cue can be many different thing to many different people , but there are some factors to consider when putting out your hard earned cash. You want a cue that is straight , feels good in your hand and comes from a reputable maker that will stand behind it. Forget about s***w on tips , they are junk. If a good leather tip is glued on properly it should never come off. I prefer LePro or Triangle tips myself. They are made of good hard leather and as long as you don't overdo it with the scuffer they will last a long time. Remember that having your own pool cue won't necessarily make you a better player, but it does help in the consistency department. gl 2 u.

  8. The Pool Player makes the Cue Stick work. A good pool player can use any pool stick. You can buy a Cue for $5,000, I have seen it done, and still be a lousy pool player. Or you can use one off the rack and own a table for as long as the pool hall is open, I have also seen that done.

    Its not the Cue Stick that makes the player, it is the Good Player that makes the shot.

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