
How do you know how many karats there are in a diamond?

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What do you do to find out how many karats a diamond has?

What is the highest value a diamond can reach and how many karats would it have?

And of course, how do you know how many karats a diamond has?

If theres a table or chart or something on how many karats a diamond has from lowest value to highest, can you please send me a link to that?

Thank You!!!




  1. You ask a jeweler to weigh it.

  2. Carats are based on the mass or weight of the stone.

  3. You weigh the diamond to see how many carats it  weighs. 1 carat is one-fifth of a gram. 5 carats = 1 gram.  

    The value of a diamond depends on several things not only its weight. It depends on what they call the four "C's ".

    Carat weight

    Clarity - how clear it is - with no spots inside

    Colour - white is preferable to a brown colour.

    Cut - how well cut and polished the diamond is.  

    A very poor quality diamond of say 10 carats size can be worth say $100 dollars. While say a 1 carat good quality pink diamond can be worth say $1 million. The pink colour is rare in a diamond and so the diamond is worth a lot.

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