
How do you know how to take care of a baby?

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My husband and I are talking about having a baby and sometimes I'm just not sure if we're ready. I obviously know the basics--feed change sleep. And I know they have parenting classes at the hospital, but how indepth are they? I mean, how do you know how to clip their nails or when to coddle them and when to be stern?

How do you know what to do without learning from your mistakes?

It just seems like there is so much to know. Are there really good informative books out there? Are mommy and me classes helpful?

Sorry, I know this is a lot of questions, just whatever info you have that could be helpful would be appreciated. Thanks!




  1. Learn as you go along and use basic common sense. Youll do fine...

  2. I think that you just use your common sense and what seems right at the time.  Everyone feels differently about everything.  The most important thing is to be consistent with your discipline.  That way, you are not confusing your child and when you say no.......they know that you mean business.  As far as the basics of care, you will get an intuition like you never had before.  Follow your is amazing how it works.  There are many books, but the show Super Nanny on TV is a great way to learn.  She is spot on!!  Just remember to be consistent.  That is most important.

  3. Believe me, lots of books are helpful especially the what to expect when you're expecting. But even more helpful are your natural motherly instincts. You know your body better than anyone and you'll know what to do with your child when he/she grows up as well.

  4. I'm a first time mom and I took the classes it helps if you are unsure of things or have never delt with a baby before it deals with the basics of pregnancy, labor and the the after part the baby. books and stuff I guess can be helpful but they aren't there in the moment your child is crying you can't stop and go look it up, you have to make sure that their needs are meet. and when in doubt ask it never hurts to ask. it just kinda comes to you. I wouldn't stress about it that much, you'll be fine, just love your baby. cutting nails is fun do that when they are asleep, cuddling they need to know you are there for them a newborn doesn't cry for no reason. mistakes happen you can't help that just learn from it. just be yourself and you'll do fine

  5. if you want a baby have one!! if you have doubts and let that stop you, you will never have kids. after i got married i asked my hubby "do you want a baby?" he said yeah i think i would be a great dad. so we started trying and 3 months later i was preg and loving it so far! we didnt sit down and think of pros and cons and krap we both wanted a baby so now we got one on the way. theres only one way to find out how to take care of a baby and thats to have one!!  good luck!

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